
About MasterDotL

What is it?

MasterDoTL.com is a site where you can choose which items you want to gather and we will put together an optimized route for you to travel to help you get the most out of your gathering per Eorzea day.

How does it work?

Choose from the list of items you can gather at unspoiled nodes, we will sort them by time, level, how much GP you want to use for that node, etc to come up with the order you should move through the list. Other sites have separate lists for mining and botany whereas MasterDotL was designed to be a single master list assuming you have maxed both classes and wish to gather as many valuable items as you can each Eorzean day.

Future Enhancements

We're still working to make the site better every day with more pro tips, new nodes as they are added and even smarter sorting. We plan to have the list update dynamically with Eorzea time as items expre they'll move to the bottom of the list and work their way back up so you won't even need to scroll. Feel free to tweet any suggestions or corrections @BatRastered.

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Last modified: Jul 24, 2017